

The Bible as a letter from God


          Soren Kierkegaard, a brilliant 19th century philosopher, said this about the Bible: “The Bible should be read as a letter from God with our personal address on it”

          How true! The Bible tells us who’s behind our amazing lives.The Bible makes clear the source of our existence and explains how we’re to live out our years on earth. The Bible gives us the best rules for living with others and for living in our own skin.

          Scripture tells us of the wisdom of the saints and the foolishness of scoundrels. It explains how God tries to relate to us. It guides us and provides strength and courage throughout our daily lives.

          The Bible tells how God walked among us on earth in the person of Christ. Most importantly, it details how Christ revealed God’s immeasurable love for all humankind.

          Finally, the Bible assures us that God not only cares for us here and now, but will care for us in the hereafter. Forever and forever, Amen! ---Author Unknown